High or Healthy?

4 min readJul 27, 2023


Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash

Often described as the disease of modernity, no one truly knows what causes depression; and if there is anything human beings loathe and revere, it is baseless circumstances. That is how alcohol and weed entered the conversation of mental illnesses. The things that cause us to step out of the norm will always be the easiest culprit.

I have never really bothered to understand the correlation between weed and mental distortion because it was pretty obvious. Governed by the cautionary tales we were told in school, and evident life stagnation that comes with untreated addiction, I knew to stay clear of drugs and alcohol…for as long as peer pressure and life allowed me.

It was not until one of my friends and avid readers asked if weed actually causes depression that I went into a rabbit hole of research, meditating upon my findings and trying to figure out if the two go hand in hand.

The short answer is not really. I understand that the cautionary tales on weird confessions about people literally perishing from marijuana abuse caused some necessary panic, but there is no evidence that weed actually causes depression. On the contrary, there is an inverse action i.e. depression and anxiety can lead to incessant marijuana usage.

What intrigued me most was learning about the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a neurochemical signaling network that extends throughout the body, which helps maintain the healthy function of processes such as sleep, memory, mood, and appetite. It keeps the body in balance.

Weed has differing effects on people (did you bother to read the aforelinked article? smh); but the biggest effect is when it alters your ECS — the one thing that is essential for maintaining mental health.

In my very personal opinion and experience, maintaining good mental health is more of a “prevention is better than cure” thing. Mental health is a continuous practice as it encompasses your behavior, emotions and psychosocial wellbeing. That means you have to actively work towards your wellness through habits (you know sugar is bad, sleep in a mosquito net etc.)

I recently learnt that there is a significant difference between stress, burnout and depression; and that once you get depressed, there is nothing much they can do except manage symptoms and hope you love life more than your occasional flirtation with death. So actively handling your business ensures you do not get to level three, you feel me?

For that reason, in order to prevent a wide range of psychiatric disorders, it is imperative for you to eat right and sleep well. That way your ECS will not be dysregulated and you probably won’t become a pothead unless you keep the “wrong company” or are simply curious.

Furthermore — thanks to the global pandemic, CBD (the more beneficial component of weed) became more popular thus increasing cannabis consumption. Also, since some American states legalized marijuana, and the whole world wants to kiss the global North’s ass, there has been a more positive worldwide perception of weed. With an assumption that it has healthy benefits, the fearmongering has significantly reduced on a global scale.

However, with the increasing instability in the world, wars, unending dictatorships and the scandalous dating scene in Kampala, people prefer to be more high than healthy; hence more TCH infused weed on the market. TCH is the height component of weed. The higher you get, the more sales for your plug.

And that is where the disco begins….

Once you alter your sleep pattern and appetite. Once you get high and realize the joy of a few hours of delusion. Once you experience your first weed coma, your mind will never be the same again; and I quite frankly cannot say more…

Let me also take this opportunity to state that if there is a history of mental illness in your family — put the blunt down. Disorganizing your natural neurochemical disposition can lead to a plethora of psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar etc. and we do not want that. best to avoid it.

There is no substantial research and evidence proving that weed causes depression. However, there is more than enough proof that your lifestyle greatly influences your mental wellbeing. Weed is a downer and deep down you know that smoking that much is a form of escapism. The lethargy and cotton mouth are also unnecessary.

“There is an infinite number of beautiful lives.” I whisper this to myself every chance I get; with the hope of freeing myself from comparison and judgement. In no way shape or form am I perpetuating that there is a particular way you are supposed to lead your life, I am simply stating that it is better when you are intentional about what you ingest.

They say no great story started with a salad, but do everything in moderation.

Keep On Living🌻

